Trade and market statistics from 2015 released by USDA and compiled by the North American Meat Institute (NAMI) are now available online.

Global export value totals for all categories fell below 2014 numbers. Beef export value reached $6.3 billion, a 12 percent decline from the record $7.13 billion set in 2014. Meanwhile, pork export value fell 16 percent to total $5.5 billion in 2015. Total beef and export volumes also both declined compared to 2014 figures. Beef export volume decreased 11 percent from 2014, while pork export volume fell two percent compared to 2014 totals. Despite the overall decline in pork export value and volume, US exports to South Korea ended in a strong position, increasing 24 percent in volume and six percent in value. Global poultry values reached $4.1 billion—a 26 percent decline from 2014 numbers—while total export volumes fell 16 percent.

The full results can be found here.