High-protein snacks, such as eggs, are trending this year, and the new brand Yowk, with the help of package design companies RPC Design and RPC Bebo UK, is making eating a soft-boiled egg on the go possible.

The Yowk pack includes a pre-boiled egg, bread sticks, a spoon and seasoning. Consumers remove the lid and all its contents, except the egg, and fill the container with boiling water. After five minutes, the egg is ready to eat. Other features include a lid that doubles as an egg cup and a spoon with a small, sharp “tooth” to remove the egg top.

Yowk’s brand owner, The New Egg Company, worked with RPC Design and RPC Bebo UK to perfect the pack format. RPC Design’s solution is a two-piece pack thermoformed in polypropylene, the base of which has a hollowed out section for the egg to sit in, while the underside of the lid includes an “egg cup” shape that fits over the egg and keeps it stable during transit.

The overall size of the pack is crucial to ensure the consumer adds the correct amount of boiling water; too little would not heat the egg enough, while too much would overcook the yolk. RPC Design worked closely with the technical team at RPC Bebo UK to achieve the final pack shape, which does not distort or deform when water is added and can be comfortably handled.

The World Food Innovation Awards named the Yowk packaging solution as a finalist in its best convenience/“on-the-go” packaging category.

For more information:

RPC Group, +44 (0) 1933 416528,
enquiries@rpc-group.com, www.rpc-group.com.