The Load Disc 3 load cell is designed specifically for in-process sanitary tanks and vessels.

TheLoad Disc 3load cell is designed specifically for in-process sanitary tanks and vessels. It features high standards in repeatability, reliability and cleanability. Accuracies range from 0.2 percent to 0.05 percent. It is retrofitable to beam and canister-style cells because it meets nearly all other bolt hole patterns and heights. TheLD3is engineered to handle forces that directly contribute to overall system error. It can take force from all sides and work reliably, and piping and plumbing forces are minimized due to the cell's 4/1000 inch deflection.

Kistler-Morse, 19021 120th Ave. NE, Bothell, WA 98011-9513. Tel. (800) 426-9010.