Pepsi swaps in stevia to sweeten new beverageNatural ingredients are the highlight of PepsiCo Inc.’s new beverage Pepsi True, a new microcalorie drink sweetened with real sugar and stevia leaf extract, as beverage companies continue to search for ways to win back customers to the soft drink market.

At 60 calories per 7.5 ounce can, the cola has 30 percent less sugar than regular Pepsi and does not contain any artificial sweeteners or high-fructose corn syrup.

Pepsi True will launch exclusively on Amazon beginning in mid-October.

Sporting a new look in an all-green can, Pepsi True resembles Coca-Cola Life, a similar reduced-calorie product from Coca-Cola that deputed in the states in August featuring 35 percent fewer calories than other colas.

Coke’s product also uses stevia and cane sugar and launched in select counties in Europe and South America. Currently the product is available in some southern US states and will be packaged nationwide by November.