Some food producers and manufacturers are taking issue with the federal government’s 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) recommendations that were issued in mid-February. The committee made significant changes in the guidelines, based on its finding that “the majority of the US population has low intakes of key food groups that are important sources of the shortfall nutrients, including vegetables, fruits, whole grains and dairy.” The new guidelines also seek to reduce the consumption of refined grains and added sugars.

In a statement, the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) said it had several concerns about the DGAC, in particular suggesting some of the conclusions were not based on the best available science, especially in the areas of sugars, sodium, lean/processed meats and caffeine.

“The food industry continues to take steps to offer consumers a variety of convenient, safe and nutritious products,” the GMA statement says.

The Snack Food Association (SFA) says the recommendations, which it points out do not carry the weight of a law or regulation, are getting more attention this year because of First Lady Michelle Obama’s involvement in nutrition initiatives. “For the first time, the DGAC didn’t just recommend a healthy diet based on science, it ventured into public policy and recommended unprecedented actions such as banning, taxing and restricting access to certain foods,” the group wrote in its statement.