The Open DeviceNet Vendor Association (ODVA) and the Interface for Distributed Automation (IDA) Group have joined with the Industrial Automation Open Networking Alliance (IAONA) to promote the Ethernet/IP networking protocol. Under IONA as a neutral umbrella, the networking collective aims to define common levels of functionality and interoperability for today's Ethernet solutions. "EtherNet/IP is designed to deliver information and real-time control on the same, open Ethernet network," said ODVA Executive Director Bill Moss. Collaborating with other leading organizations will only strengthen the EtherrNet/IP technology and bring additional benefits to end users." The three organizations will form working groups to address common strategies for "plug-and-play" interoperability; common solutions for network diagnosis; common guidelines for using Web technology; and common requirements for conformance tests.
EtherNet/IP is a protocol stack extending off-the-shelf Ethernet with an open, industrial protocol for automation purposes. It also supports common office protocols such as HTTP, FTP and SNMP.