The Ross 96-in. OD x 162-in. straight wall horizontal storage tank includes saddles designed, fabricated and stamped for full vacuum to 60 psig at 300°F in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Div. 1. The interior surfaces of the carbon steel tank are abrasive blasted to SSPC-SP 10 (near white metal) and thoroughly cleaned prior to purging with nitrogen. The tank includes lifting lugs, four 2-in. 3000# couplings with 3000# screwed plugs and a 24-in. 150# FFSO manway with a hinge, gauge and ball valve. The approximate holding volume is 6,017 gallons. The tank can be constructed to meet other industry code requirements including USFDA, BISSC, ABS, API650, API620 and UL42.

Charles Ross & Son Company; 800-524-7677;