Palermo’s is expanding its production capacity by building a 200,000 sq. ft. production facility in West Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

The new facility, located three miles from the company headquarters, will be used for pizza production and will provide 50 new skilled labor positions.  

“Our priority is to keep market competitive jobs local and that means growth at our company headquarters on Canal Street in Milwaukee, continuing to increase capacity at our recently added Jefferson, Wisconsin facility, and now the development in West Milwaukee,” says Giacomo Fallucca, 

CEO and chairman of the board for Palermo’s. “The 50 new positions we will be creating are skilled labor roles which require specific training and are key roles in our manufacturing process. They are in line with our current manufacturing positions and provide market competitive wages.”

Palermo’s also started a project to expand parking lots at the company headquarters on Canal Street in Milwaukee to support recent growth and employee needs. 

“The parking lot expansion help us address the needs of our current employee base which has grown to provide jobs for over 1,200 people,” says Angelo Fallucca, president of Palermo’s Pizza. “This expansion set us up for future growth opportunities at our headquarters on Canal Street. We continue to see demand for our pizzas increase and are being proactive to meet future needs.” 

The new facility is being developed and constructed by The Dickman Company, Briohn Builders and Excel Engineering. Groundbreaking was slated for August 2024 and the expected completion date is June 2025.