Switching unit
Omron’s G9SX-GS safety guard switching unit has external outputs that enable status indication of 2 safety input devices; auxiliary outputs that enable monitoring of safety inputs, safety outputs and errors; and detailed LED status indicators that provide quick system diagnosis. For applications that require limited machine access for operations, a manual switching function monitors the machine door status and allows the machine to operate only as long as the door is closed. When an operator switches to maintenance mode, the door switch is disabled, and the enabling switch is put into the safety circuit, allowing the machine to continue to operate only if the operator holds the switch in the enabled position. The device is compliant with IEC/EN 61508 (SIL3), IEC/EN 62061 (SIL3) and EN 954-1 (Category 4).
Omron Scientific Technologies Inc.; 800-479-3658; www.sti.com