In an effort to increase awareness of celiac disease, the Canadian government has approved “gluten-free” claims on specialty produced oats and foods containing these oats. This labeling change marks new opportunities for food processors and oat growers.

"These changes will make it easier for Canadians with celiac disease to make safe and informed food choices,” said Rona Ambrose, Canadian Minister of Health. “By allowing a gluten-free claim on specially produced oats and foods that contain them, consumers with gluten sensitivities will be better able to identify products they can safely eat.”

 For oats, normal agricultural practices often result in the unintended presence of small amounts of gluten from other grains. However, according to the Canadian Ministry of Health, recent evidence revealed these outs can safely be consumed by many people with celiac disease so long as they were produced and processed to avoid cross-contamination with other cereals containing gluten.