Carton Council says carton recycling up in 2013

The Carton Council of North America announced it met its 2013 goal of expanding access to carton recycling among US households, with 48 percent now having access. That represents a 16.4 percent increase from the previous year, and includes the expansion of carton recycling from 43 to 45 states. In 2009, only 18 percent of US households had access to carton recycling. Now, 56.1 million households have access.

“We expect access to continue to expand in 2014 as more recycling and waste management industry professionals, as well as local governments, recognize the value of cartons and the ease by which they can be added to their community’s recycling program," says Jason Pelz, vice president, environment, Tetra Pak North America, and vice president of recycling projects for the Carton Council of North America. “We also want to make more Americans aware that cartons are recyclable and will continue our efforts on broadening awareness in 2014.”