Federal legislation to provide uniform information to consumers of on the quality and safety of bottled water was introduced this week by US Rep. Renee Ellmers, R-NC and US Rep. Jim Matheson, D-UT.
Known as the “Bottled Water Quality Information Act,” the legislation would require bottled water producers to prepare an annual quality report available to consumers upon request. The report would include the type of water source; treatment methods used by the bottler; and test results for the microbiological, physical, chemical and radiological quality of bottled water, as prescribed by federal regulations.
Each bottle would also need to provide the name and contact information of the manufacturer and distributor, the type of water source, and a way for consumers to obtain the quality report.
The International Bottled Water Association applauded the legislation.
“National uniform labeling and bottled water quality reporting standards are good for consumers and build on the extensive product information already provided by bottlers,” said Joe Doss, association president and CEO. “This important legislation codifies the bottled water industry’s current efforts to ensure transparency and continues our commitment to have the highest quality standards.”
Bottled water labels are already regulated under FDA. With a uniform labeling system, Doss said this would ensure package space is efficiently utilized and information is consistently located across all markets.
“It will also prevent the emergence of a patchwork quilt of confusing state and local labeling requirements,” Doss said. “The bill is a win-win for consumers and the industry.”