FDA announced it will host three one-day public meetings in June titled “FDA Food Safety Modernization Act: Focus on Strategic Implementation of Prevention-Oriented Import Safety Programs.”
The public meetings will be held in different regions throughout the US—California, New Jersey and Michigan—to provide importers and other interested persons an opportunity to have an in-depth discussion on the implementation of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) import safety programs. During these meetings, participants and key FDA subject matter experts will discuss the next phase of FSMA implementation related to import safety programs, which includes establishing the operational framework for these programs and plans for guidance documents, training, education, and technical assistance. The purpose of the regional outreach public meetings is to continue the dialogue with the importer community on FSMA and elicit ideas that will help to inform the FDA and our stakeholders on how to continue to work together to successfully comply with FSMA mandates and regulations.
For more information and to register, click here.