Product safety has top priority in the dairy industry. To ensure the quality of dairy products, Milchwerke Schwaben uses metal detectors from Sesotec.
June 22, 2023
Milchwerke Schwaben’s presence in the dairy industry starts as early as 1922, dairy farmers in Ulm, Germany joined together to form a cooperative that would make it possible to produce dairy products with greater efficiency. This merger resulted in a company whose products meet the needs of consumers throughout Germany and abroad.
A line not running at optimum efficiency and producing less than expected might only be second to unplanned downtime in terms of headaches faced in manufacturing—both of which can be caused by a weak link in the production line. We spoke to Craig Souser, president and CEO of JLS Automation, about overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), about maintenance best practices and strategies to use in order to keep a line operating at its fullest.
Today’s artificial intelligence-based software visibly improves the operation of packaging and production systems, yet operates quietly behind the scenes.
Like a 15th century expression, “Children should be seen but not heard,” artificial intelligence (AI) is typically an embedded software technology that operates quietly behind the scenes keeping a production or packaging system running smoothly—and is silent unless something goes out of control and is not easily corrected. Then, the system sounds an alarm, possibly shutting down the process until the problem—which AI has already identified—is remedied by humans.