With the added benefits of weight management, controlling blood sugar and making people feel full, it’s no surprise 62 percent of consumers agree they are making a point to get enough protein, according to a new report from research firm Packaged Facts.

The report, “Classic, Alternative and Exotic Sources: Culinary Trend Tracking Series,” examines culinary trends and opportunities in the restaurant, foodservice, retail prepared foods, and packaged food and beverage industries.

According to Packaged Foods, report aims to help customers identify future opportunities in menu offerings and packaged foods and beverages; leverage the long-term drivers that are truly propelling food industry trends; track trends in fine dining restaurant, foodservice, retail prepared foods, and packaged foods; and match emerging trends to any organization’s ongoing menu and product development.

“Americans continue to seek out protein due to a variety of health and wellness concerns, as well as to increase maintenance and growth and repair functions of the body,” says David Sprinkle, publisher of the Culinary Trend Tracking Series (CuTTS) and research director for Packaged Facts. “With the popularity of diets like Paleo, Primal and Atkins, protein has been the darling of lean diets for more than two decades now, and ties in more broadly to the consumer quest for health and wellness food and beverages to address specific health concerns. This [the popularity of protein] presents a unique opportunity for food manufacturers, retailers, and restaurants.”

Many companies are cashing in on the protein trend.

For instance, General Mills is  committed to launching 150 new products in the fiscal 2015 year and says it is making protein a focus.

Recent studies also show the demand for protein from dairy products is expected to grow.

To capitalize on the protein trend, yogurt maker Stonyfield unveiled its Petite Crème product line, which it hopes will capture a larger portion of the market that has been eaten up by the Greek yogurt trend.

According to researchers, the report charts how lifestyle and demographic shifts open up new opportunities for manufacturers to think outside the box in terms of protein and take advantage of the growing interest in vegetarian sources of protein.

Within the protein trend, the report says “macho and high-protein drinkable yogurts” continue to show strong growth in the wake of the Greek yogurt revolution.

Packaged Facts projects the US yogurt market will total $9.3B by 2017, with niche segments like kefir and yogurt marketed to men gobbling up some of the money.

Other protein trends highlighted in the report include: almonds and nut butters; heartier snack bars; and exotic meats and techniques like charcuterie, salumi and wild boar.

The report can be reviewed here.