Almond milk and other dairy alternatives are consistently being stocked in household refrigerators nationwide. As a result the US beverage market has shifted to favor these alternatives, according to Dairy and Dairy Alternative Beverage Trends in the US, a new report by market researcher Packaged Facts.
The World Trade Organization has rejected the United States’ appeal of last year’s decision regarding the US country-of-origin labeling law, or COOL law, ruling Monday that the law discriminates against Canadian and Mexican livestock.
Organic food processing company SunOpta Inc.’s Hope, Minnesota facility has become the first food manufacturing facility in the US to receive USDA Process Verified Program (PVP) verification for Non-Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)/Non-Genetically Engineered (GE) products.
A Cargill meat distribution facility in Mount Crawford, Virginia has logged 2.6 million work hours without a lost-time injury dating back to April 2008. The facility, which employs 150 people, ships more than 400 million points of turkey and cooked meat products each year.
USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) announced nearly $12 million in organic certification assistance is available through the department in order to make certification more affordable for organic producers and handlers in the US.
The anti-obesity non profit Alliance for a Healthier Generation and a coalition of some America’s biggest beverage companies began work at four Los Angeles area neighborhoods as part of an initiative to help reduce beverage calories consumed by 20 percent per person by 2025.
Post Holdings, Inc. announced Friday the company plans to consolidate its Post Foods and MOM Brands cereal businesses into one group that will be headquartered out of Lakeville, Minnesota—the existing MOM Brands facilities.
The infection rate for serious forms of E. coli and Salmonella decreased in 2014 compared with the baseline period of 2006-2008, the CDC announced this week.
As part of the company’s commitment to sustainability, Monsanto announced it has adopted an operational greenhouse gas emissions intensity goal of reducing its emissions from crop protection operations by 22 percent by 2020.
While some consider cloud-based software to be more cost effective and efficient that its counterparts, a new survey of manufacturers found that 66 percent saw improvements in plant productivity after deploying the systems.